
2762 miles

59:23 hours in the car
9 tanks of gasoline
1 peanut butter and jelly sandwich
5 Great Lakes
2762 miles driven
3 free campsites
1 speeding ticket

add all of that up and you get 2840:23! and that number means absolutely nothing!!!!

here's a quick rundown of my opinions on each of the Great Lakes:
Superior; clean, refreshing, scenic, cold
Ontario; jerkfaced, unloved, cold
Erie; Spa lake, looked like it had milk in it, friendly beaches, cold
Huron; icky icky bottom, welcoming to canines, cold
Michigan; blue, charming, popular, WARM! no, wait, that one was cold too.

1 comment:

Tarcy said...

Nicely summed up! So they were all cold, eh? Did you hear applause when you entered Canada? Just wondering....