
20 Questions About Bathrooms: Question #1

1. Why is the tube for TP much larger than would ever be necessary?

With all of the stark claims of Charmin, White Cloud, and all of the other ’bog roll’ makers that their rolls are the longest ones out there, I propose that the TP tube be made smaller. I have yet to see a holder that was the same size as the tube, they are about half the size typically. We live in a time when TP shortage is not taken lightly, my friends. My hope is that this short rebuttal with spur a lobbyist group to go to Washington with the intentions of changing the TP tube world. Then, those confined rolls could hold about 80 more sheets of wiping power and just think of how fun it would be to see that little tube spin super fast when you got to the end of the roll.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I should be preparing for worship today, but instead I am thinking how fun it would be to see that little tp roll spin when it is down to nothing.

I would like to think it would make a tiny little whirring sound as it went around and around.
