
20 Questions About Bathrooms: Question #4

4. Is having the double sink really a luxury, how often are both sinks being used?

Another dumb idea passed off as ‘fancy’. I could understand having two toilets in a bathroom because sometimes when your mind says “….just hold on a minute” you body is saying “GET OUT OF THE WAY, I CAN’T HOLD HIM ANY LONGER!!”. How often have you found that you simply cannot wait to wash your hands or do your hair?(Those of you having OCD please disregard) Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury; yes to multiple toilets, no to multiple sinks.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm going with 'no' to both. We have two sinks, the one in the corner never gets used (kind of like our second child).

But I don't think it is good for marital relations to have two toilets. So let's go with one and only one toilet and sink.