
Top Tens

My top ten reasons to get an Education
10. Your life is like ’Animal House’ everyday.
9. You read books that you never would otherwise
8. Girls everywhere!
7. People think your smarter than other folks, though they wouldn’t say it out loud.
6. Get to hang out in old buildings
5. Interesting discussions with the intellectuals
4. You meet all kinds of interesting people
3. Good chance of getting a rockin’ job
2. Learning stuff, I guess
1. No more peanut jobs

My top ten reasons to avoid college
10. You get the fulfillment of doing things on your own
9. Homework
8. You can work in any locale
7. You won’t turn into a snob of any kind
6. You don’t have to hang out with obnoxious post HS students
5. Homework
4. Debt
3. It’s a 4 year commitment, and we all know how good I am at commitments
2. Homework
1. You may never really apply the education, only the slip of paper that says you have one

1 comment:

Philip said...

Right on. Well, homework isn't that bad UNLESS it's not something you can really be proud of. It's one thing to work towards something you're interested in, but another thing entirely to do an academic exercise.