
20 Questions About Bathrooms: Question #6

6. Have you ever been in a public restroom and prided yourself on snagging the ‘oh so spacious’ handicap stall only to find that the stool is way to high to take a satisfying dump?

This keeps happening to me over and over. I can’t seem to remember that the stool is much to high when I’m making a mad dash to the big stall at the end. So then, when I’m sitting there looking at my legs dangling from the edge of the can, my feet nary touching the floor and thinking to myself, “what’s the problem, I thought I had to go?? Turns out the shorter the stool, or the more squatted you are, the better the poo comes out(those of you that have been to Asia are well aware of this…). So remember everybody, the handicap stall is best used as place to change out of those pants you spilled a chocolate malt on or as a short notice hiding spot to avoid the law, but not as a poo pie bakery.

1 comment:

Philip said...

When you're a tell drink of water such as myself, that stall is a welcome change of pace. My legs lose blood and go numb on the short 'regular' seats. Another bonus to handicap stalls is the handles: Get ready for a rodeo-tastic poo! Can you ride the bull for 8 seconds?!