
Underwear’s Abandon

Gentlemen, Ladies; Take a look at your underwear. As you examine the materials and schemes of them, ask yourself: If I had a shirt made out of this material, would I wear it? Then, ask yourself: If I had a pair of pants made out of this material, would I wear them? Then: If I had a hat made out of this fabric, would I wear it? The likely answer to all of these little questions is No, no I wouldn’t. Why? Well it’s obvious isn’t it. Underwear is all about the secret person underneath. Seriously, you could wear stuff that matched your style, but instead, most of us, wear underwear that has tacky patterns on them. It’s the very fabric we wouldn’t dare wear on the outside,..but oh! on this inside…..Well, drape me in the stuff. Lacy boy shorts with pink and purple hearts on it?….SpongeBob SquarePants print?…Camouflage Rambo shorts?….And that’s just what’s in my drawer. Think about all those other closet freaks out there, with there unspeakables speaking unspeakable things!
Funny then that we choose to wear, what we would never wear on the outside, underneath

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Lacy shorts with pink and purple hearts....really Brett? I'm impressed!