
20 Questions About Bathrooms: Question #13

13.What is your preference? Towels or hand dryers?

There is no correct answer to this question; however, if you say that you prefer hand dryers you would be wrong. Sure, your saving about 19 trees for every time that you use a hand dryer but think about all of the airborne viruses and bacterium that are being sucked into that dryer and chopped to bits by the vicious fan contained within. I can’t give you an exact death toll, but it’s a helluva lot more than 19, you heartless jerkwad! Maybe you enjoy having tiny, minding-their-own business, viruses slaughtered and then having their lifeless body parts blasted onto your hands…


Philip said...
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Philip said...

Sorry, typo. Can't stand those.

Know what's worse than towels? Not enough towels. I can't stand those paper towel dispensers that give you enough towels to dry an infant's slightly damp hands.

Unknown said...

In college we had hand dryers. On the dryers there were instructions; something like:

1. Press Button.
2. Rub Hands Together under Heat

Basic stuff. But here's the thing, I had never rubbed my hands together before reading the instructions. I would just place them down there near each other and wait passively. After reading the instructions I started rubbing my hands together. It actually worked better.

Since reading those instructions, I have saved roughly 15% of hand drying time per hand dryer.

And that's worth the $100k tuition right there.