
20 Questions About Bathrooms: Question #3

3. Why would anyone situate a mirror such that you could watch yourself urinate?

This is complete madness! I have been in more than several home bathrooms with large, wall-covering mirrors fastened directly behind the throne and every time I do, I find myself perplexed and disgusted at the sight of a man peeing directly in front of me. My immediate defense therefore is to close my eyes, leaving my pee stream to find it’s own way home. Lassie’s pee may be capable of this, mine however, is not.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A couple weeks ago I was at a friend's house and they had a smaller make-up mirror sitting on the top of the toilet. It was perfectly aimed so I saw nothing in the mirror except a very specific and private part of my body. I found this to be a very odd experience. Not bad, exactly, just odd. My friend insists it was unintentional, but I expect there is some psychosis there; some deep childhood trauma.