Today I saw a man riding a tall bike. He was weaving down the sidewalk around people on their way to class. Then I though to myself, why would you bother with such a tall bike? I can’t think of any advantages other than being able to see above some things. It’s harder to get on, less stable, goofy looking, hard to carry around, and impossible to put on your car. So, from this reasoning I figure the guy riding is doing it solely for the attention and this bothers me. But then I think Well, why not just let the guy be different? That can be okay. It’s true, it’s okay to different for the sake of being different, right? Isn’t that art then? Yes, I can be okay with that idea. Let the guy ride his stupidly tall bike and maybe even enjoy watching him ride by instead of my regular snide observations. That’s what I’ll do, I’ll be okay with difference, even if it is for the sake of showboating.
The next day I saw the guy on the tall bike again.
Show-off, prick thought I.
Sorry world, I’ll work on it.
I am resonating lucidly with this.
I knew some guys in Seattle that were toally into the tall bike scene and I thought it was really strange. I guess I'd have to say I agree with's just plain weird!
While I wouldn't want to have to depend on one to get around, I think it would be fun to ride on occasionally. It'd be like walking on stilts, but faster.
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